Welcome to Area 52

Area 52 Bobcat 1 Bobcat 2 Huey Lewis Phil Collins Hefferlauncher Ultra Olchin Uber Olchin S.S. $mith Ferrigno 2.0 Light Weight Loss Staff Gorillamerium Flatchulentium $mith's Blog Guestbook HR Department


You have entered a G-14 Classified site.  By viewing this page, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the SB-115103 Project Commission.  These projects have never existed, and will never exist.  We disavow all knowledge of any G-14 Classified content.  Click on model name for project pictures from pre/post construction.  View at your own risk.

What's New in Area 52?

Welcome to our brand new site!  We felt that for security reasons and looks we needed to get a fresh start.  Feel free to browse around (No pun intended) and see all the amazing projects that this site has to offer.

Weekly Calusion Question - If 2 hump backed camels are walking across a desolate desert at precisely 5:14 pm, August 16th 1958, how many melons?

Update:   November 7th - New $mith Blog - Topic - The meeting of the masterminds

 November 8th - S.S. $mith pictures uploaded from its first magical voyage.

 November 8th - Human Resource Page with downloadable applications for the G-clasified program.

The worldwide premiere of the infomercial -  Gorillamer and You!

            We discuss the newest scientific breakthrough that has taken the world by storm...Gorillamer!  We will highlight its creation and development by releasing never before seen home movies taken during its preliminary testing phase.  And be sure not to miss the episode where we model a plethora of uses of Gorillamer, and the very important episode which lays out the do's and don't of this exciting but dangerous adhesive.  Be sure to TiVo this Emmy Award winning documentary titled Gorillamer and You, coming soon to Area 52!

Potato Launch System - AKA The Ferrigno 2.0

            Will this monster machine be able to hurl a honeydew melon over 200 feet?  How about an orange close to 125 yards?  Potatoes are its specialty, but it will not object to abusing other fruits or vegtables.  Get weekly updates only at Area 52!


Failed Moisturizer Cream

In a valiant attempt to enhance the moisturizing experience that women go through, $mith failed miserably at creating a cucumber based moisturizer that was meant to me worn overnight while sleeping.  When asked what went wrong during the prelliminary tests, $mith revealed that, "a container of Gorillamerium must've fallen into the cream during the mixing stage, causing some sort of chemical reaction which allowed it to bond directly to the epidermis.  It was a simple mistake that, now that I look back on it, should have been avoided."

Contact a G-14 Classified Representative

If you have questions about the site, projects, or personnel, or you are unsure of your clearance level feel free to contact one of the few G-14 classified people on the planet.

Our Pledge to You

Our mission is to design and construct projects that are either extremely dangerous, difficult, impossible, improbable, unrealistic, scientifically unreproducable and fun!  We plan to provide a complete detailed description of our projects and document every aspect of thier creation from the initial thought process to the final product.  No project is too big or too small for us to take on.  If you can make it up, we can use our immense resources to make it a reality.  As G-14 classified personnel we have access to some of the most elite and advanced technology known to man (including the Aurther's head screw driver and the Hungarian cortex driver).  It is through these tools and countless other that we produce some of our amazing creations.  Finally, we wish to tell you that the truth is out there and we know what it is and we will reveal it to you in due time.