Bobcat 2

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Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes

The Bobcat Hovercraft Project is back for a second round!  Slimmed down, sleek, stylish, Bobcat 2 utilizes the knowledge learned from the Bobcat 1 disaster and takes hovercraft design to a new level.

Powered by twin 195 mph leaf blowers
Ultra light PVC frame with no spacial cavity
Payload : 500+ lbs
Status : 100% Operational
Notes : Although it is less rigid than Bobcat 1, this model demonstrates more maneuverability while in flight.  Steering is generated by leaning body weight.  Chair must be centered for optimal flight experience.

Weapon of Mass Floatation

This hovercraft comes fully loaded, dual chrome pipes, high powered winds, 6 mil plastic bag, top notch plywood, stainless steel and plastic chair, nylon string steering system, and PVC pipe frame that you would be proud to take home to mother.

Looks Can Be Deceiving

At first glance this bad girl of the hovercraft world looks like shes all muscle, and she is, but she has a soft side.  Her gentle handling and smooth floatation makes you feel like you are on a cloud.  (Just invest in a good pair of ear plugs)

Beauty Is Not Just Skin Deep

Sure she rides like a dream, packs more power than Mr. T, creates more noise than mime who talks, and looks drop dead gorgeous, but she looks good on the inside as well.  What you can't see is her sturdy PVC frame that would make any irrigation specialist drool uncontrollably.  Not enven 390 mile an hour winds can damage this fine piece of craftsmanship.  (Flordia residents, build your house out of this hovercraft and hurricanes will run from your house)  The PVC is a web of interlocking elbow and T-joints that are arranged with such percision that Chuck Norris cried,  "Now that's percise!"

One Brave Man Or One Crazy Fool

Pictured here is our initial test run of the Bobcat 2.  Our test subject, the one and only J-$mith.  He involuntarily volunteered to give his life for science (being a math teacher this was difficult for him to do).  At approximately 10:02 am on September 20th 2006 history was made.  The first manned hovercraft ever in room 7-101 of North Port High School took flight.  As several awe struck students gazed at the glorious take-off, life on our planet was forever changed.  On student was overheard as saying, "This is unbelievable the future is here!  I love Scien..."  At that point the student passed out from excitement and later awoke after having happy dreams of hoovercraft transportation.  $mith surrived the first flight and returned to land a new man.  His world famous quote was made that morning as he proclaimed, "That's one small step for hooverboard enthusiasts, one giant leap for mankind."