The Hefferlauncher

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Built Porinchak Tough

Only a multi-million dollar high speed camera was able to capture the ping-pong ball being abused by the Hefferlauncher.  Actually, Mr. Porinchak has really good camera trigger reflexes with a digital camera.

The Hefferlauncher has the capability of being set so that it fires projectiles at ranges of 2m, 4m, and 7m, with a slice/hook margin of error of less than 1% off the original target line.

We Are "Go" for Launch

Mr. Posilovich is shown here to be the trigger man for this battle ready killing machine.

A Heat-Seeking Projectile En Route

We have no idea why there is a yellow "trail" in front of the ball as it advances toward its preset target.

Our Inspiration

The man, the myth, the legend...Doug Heffernan.  AKA: Fat Sajak, Scooter, Fatty Like Cake, and Moose.