Phil Collins Memorial Causeway (A.K.A Sussudio)

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A Modern Marvel

Welcome to the record setting balsa wood bridge, The Phil Collins Memorial Cuaseway or the Sussudio Bridge!  We are delighted that you have stumbled upon such a modern marvel (Note: This bridge will be featured on the History Channel's program Modern Marvels in mid to late December)  This Bridge was constructed out of not only balsa wood and elmer's glue, but out of pure strength.  We are confident in its ability to support more than the world record of 209.4 kg (461 lbs. for all you Americans out there who refuse to use the easier metric system)  This bridge was constructed under the most extreme conditions:  Unabnormal temperatures of 343 K, insane pressure 988 mmHg, catrostrophic forces of 8.9 x 1011 micronewtons!  Now prepare yourself for a plethora of visual stimulation as you view the photos of the Sussudio Bridge.

Materials:  Balsa Wood and Elmers Glue
Weight :  ~ 91.88g
Payload :  67.2 kg
Status :  Test Complete

Support:  This bridge much like its forefather (The Huey Lewis Memorial Skyway Bridge) has its own magnificent underside, the Decan Double Diamond (D.D.D.)  This support system was modeled after the strong and supportive man, Deacon Palmer (pictured below).

Notes: On October 23rd 2006 at approximatley 9:44 am the Phil Collins Memorial Causeway was tested.  The test got off to an unbelievable start.  The media present was crazy.  There was more paparazzi than Lindsay Lohan sees coming out of a Starbuck's.  Four, yes count them four, high speed, high resolution, just all out high and whatever word you want to put after it, cameras.  These cameras are top notch.  We're not talking Wal-Mart, we're talking Sears. The cameras filmed from obviously four angles, above, from the side, from a lengthwise view, and from below, to capture the Deacon Double Diamond at work.  The sand was carefully added with utmost percision.  In the early goings the bridge stood strong, but there were some warning signs that all was not well.  Cracks and creaks were heard not long after a complete bucket was added.  A visible break in the trusses was seen half way into the test.  As more and more fine white Siesta sand was added the bridge slowly began to buckle.  Two full buckets were sitting pretty hanging in the early morning shadows of the Phil Collins, when out of no where a deafening sonic boom shattered all the windows and glass doors in room 7-115.  Natalia Emery, an associate supervisor, has lost all hearing in 50% of her ears.  She was heard saying after the boom, "What?  Huh?  I can't hear you!  Speak louder!"  $mith was so shocked by the sudden erruption of noise he almost lost his balance as he was sent flying back an amazing 345 mm!  Mr. Posilovich was last seen cowering in fear and sucking his thumb asking for his blankey.  Mr. Porinchak was completley unphased since he was wearing earmuffs that were a lovley shade of fuscia.  He was quoted as saying, "It was a cold morning and I just forgot to take them off."  After the carnage and destruction was cleaned up by a crew of 35 hard working personnel, the calculations were made.  After 6 long hours of calculating, 5.9 of wich was spent trying to turn on the calculator, ($mith claimed, "I never use these things, I invented the Abacus!") the bridge was found to hold an impressive, but not so emense 63.2 kg.   This is a ratio of 687.9:1.  Again an impressive number, as far as numbers go, but it was not a happy ending.  Posilovich was interviewed after the wreckage and said, " In all my years I have never suffered a more disapointing and embarassing moment."  This from the man who was once seen in Publix in his thermal superman underware with a green towel wrapped around his neck purchasing a canteloupe.  Porinchak just shook his head and said, "How could Phil Collins let this happen?"  So as early afternoon approaches the Phil Collins Memorial Causeway Bridge is no more.  "It is a shame that its soul puropse was to be destroyed," said an very unhappy Porinchak.  "It feels like the time when I was in first grade and I was beaten up by third grades as they took my lunch money and the extra lunch I had hidden in my back pack for a mid-day snack.  I felt like I had nothing left and that is how I feel right now."

The Man, The Myth, The Legend.

Nothing says "I can hold a lot of weight" like Phil Collins in a white T-shirt and jeans.

Kinda brings a tear to your eye.

Here she is in all her glory!

X marks the strength.

Here is a breathtaking view as you look along the majestic roadway of the Sussudio!

First look at the Deacon Double Diamond.

Here is the underbelly of this Modern Marvel! (Notice the triangular pattern which is the most powerful shape in the "known" Universe)  Also note the vast size difference in the bridge compared to that of a normal bottle of glue.  (the glue looks sooooo small)

Up close and personal.

Just when you thought "there is no way to make it stonger," we did by creating the Deacon Double Diamond Support System (D3).  Which is even more powerful than the Spooner Suport System and some believe even stronger than H-Manhimself (only the single most powerful man in the universe).

Notch and Key

What fine wood working craftsmanship!  You can almost hear the bridge saying, "just try and break me!"  We call this the notch and key interlocking system.  Some say it is like a puzzle in that it is a mystery to all.

Final Touches

Finally, the final phase of the D3 is being completed.  You will notice the injury that almost took the life of Mr. Porinchak is healing very well due to the immense power of Grover, Big Bird, and the rest of the Sesame Street gang!