Ultra Olchin

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The Car of the Future!

If you thought that flying cars meant the future for the automobile industry, you were wrong.  Three words:  Mouse...Trap...Power.

Materials:  Balsa Wood and Gorilla Glue

Top Velocity : 0.55 m/s
Top Distance : 13.9 m
Status : 100% Complete - Road tested
Notes :  This machine is built for maximum distance.

Ready to Roll

Behold;  The Ultra Ulchin mousetrap race car.  Powered by a standard mouse trap, this speed machine can reach a dizzying top speed of .55 meters per second, while coasting across half of a basketball court.

Those Rimz are HOT!

As seen from the side view, the blinding reflection from the exterior wall of the rims deterrs any and all competition that might come across the Ultra Olchin.

A Man Trapped in a Boy's Body

His most noteable quote is, "Oh my God!!  TiVo thinks I'm gay!"