Human Resource Department

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Download a Copy of the G-14 Application

If you are interested in trying to obtain the G-Level clearance required to become a member of Area 52, please download the G-14 Application Form, fill it out, and e-mail it back to us in a timely manner.  Your application will then go through a rigorous review from our Area 52 Human Resources Department to find out if you truely are G-14 Classified material. (Pictured to the left is our Human Resource Department secretary Kelsie "the best" Mackenzie, shown here with her pet dino.  If you have any complaints take it up with her.)

Applicant Requirements:

     -High school student

     -Enrolled in Chemistry, Physics, or an upper level math

     -GPA of 3.0 or higher - Transcripts may be requested

    - Be willing to submit projects (or pictures of projects) to the


     -Be willing to submit one (1) entry to a blog each month


Once you fill out the application and have been approved by the Board of Directors (BOD) you will be an entry level G-1 classified.  You will be given a project due date once you have been approved.  Your project must be completed and documentd by the due date.  Documentation means that a detailed report of materials used, instructions, problems encountered, experimental phases, testing descriptions, pictures and/or video thoughout the entire project, and the finished product if possible.  To advance up the ranks of G-classified your project will be reviewed by the BOD and will be granted a new clearence level based on the complexity, work, and details of the project you submitted.  There will be an interview process to reach a level G-10 classified with the BOD.  You may move up one level at a time or more depending on the quality of you projects.  Advancement is soley up to the BOD.  There is an appeal process if you believe you have not been granted proper clearence. (see downloadable form Appeal)  Termination from the ranks of G-classified can occur at any time if felt necessary by the BOD.  Immediate termination will occur if you fail to have a project in by its due date.  

E-mail Your Application To:

Downloadable Application Forms