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Life and Times of a G-14 Apprentice

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be G-14 Classified?  Well we can't tell you because it is G-14 Classified, but our G-13 understudy, J-$mith can help you out.  Here, $mith will give his testimony of all the hardwork that he puts in, the amazing discoveries that are all just part of the job as a G-14 classified personnel and the life-threatening experiments in which he regurally participates (such as testing how hot fire is on your hands, determining which tastes worse milk left out in the sun for three days or four, and determing the lenght of an inch using a metric ruler).  So check back bi-monthly to see the latest happenings of a elite G-13 classified personnel.

$mith Blog

November 7 - Meeting of the Masterminds


So just how did these two masterminds come together?  The story actually can be linked back to 1989 at the 17th Annual Calculator Convention which is held yearly in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Posilovich, who was 8 at the time, had just put the finishing touches on his newest invention - the TI 83 for Texas Instruments.  Believed to be the youngest calculator inventor of our generation, Posilovich ganered much of the attention from the press.  "This kid is amazing, just amazing - a true pioneer in the calculator industry" praised convention promoter Eduardo "2nd Function" Roberts as he introduced Posilovich before a crowd of nearly 15,000 spectators, scientists, and calculator enthusiasts.

This attention drew the ire of Porinchak, age 10 and co-founder of Nintendo's "Game Genie".  Porinchak was an unknown at the convention, and many observers were left wondering why this young boy was walking around aimlessly without any parental supervision.  As the two-week convention slowed down to its final days Porinchak grew increasingly furious with the attention that this boy - two years his minor - was receiving from his adoring fans.  The boiling point was finally reached as Posilovich was preparing to receive his 8th award of the week - this time Popular Science's "Man of the Year".  As Posilovich walked to the podium to receive his award, Porinchak made his move.  Armed with a Super-Soaker 50 and brass knuckles, Porinchak attached the unsuspecting 8 year old with a fury rarely seen.  The fight ensued for the next 10 minutes, and much to the chagrin of convention organziers the crowd actually enjoyed the show put on by the two young boys.  Members of the media and well-known scientists were actually seen exchanging bets at to who they thought would come out on top as the two continued to tussle. 

In my next blog I will look at the outcome of this altercation and how these two masterminds came to the conception of their first joint project - Upper Deck Baseball Cards. 


October 23 - History of G-14 in a nutshell 


In this, the first blog I will talk about the history of the two masterminds behind this G-14 Classified website.  

Steve "Lady's Tee" Posilovich hails from the great state of Illinois.  Growing up on the Chicago's south side, Posilovich was accustomed to violence and the harsh realities of living in an urban environment. Living not far from the projects, Posilovich saw many of his classmates and girlfriends turn to the streets for survival.  As a young boy, Steve had many brushes with the law - the most severe being an ill-fated bicycle jacking.  His victim, an 8 year old girl, who we will call "Violet", was left with several scrapes and bruises.  Faced with the decision of either 200 hours of community service or else enter a project in the school's science fair, the heady Posilovich opted for the creation of his first invention.  With the help of his uncle Billy "The Kid" Posilovich, the twelve year old science prodigy created what is believed to be the world's first erasable permanent marker.  Posilovich earned high acclaims for his invention, receiving 3rd place at the national science fair.  Science historians were already hyping the young lad as the next Einstein.

Brad "Milk Money" Porinchak was born in the much more friendly confines of suburban Ohio.  By the second grade, Porinchak had already mastered the deciphering of ancient egyptian heirogliphics and was able to speak an amazing seven languages.  He had also ascended to the 2nd best Nintendo player in the world, behind only Taiwan phenom Chang Chun-Hsiung.  Many insiders thought that Porinchak would soon overtake the number one ranking.  However, a broken thumb forced the Ohio native to take 4 months off.  Porinchak never did regain the form that made him the most feared Nintendo player of the 20th century.  But for the science world this was a blessing in disguise, as "Milk Money" focued his many talents towards new inventions. Porinchak's first invention - the VCR, was a modern day miracle. 

In my next blog I will take a look at how these two legends in the science field came to find one another..